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What would water do?
You know the saying: 'What would Jesus do'?, well, when I get lost or stuck in the studio, when things just don't seem to... flow, and...

I can't remember when I began banging on about having artists gatherings to my artist friends, and my partner in crime, Christopher Cook...

The light of water
The other morning at the retreat of tide, I went for a swim with a friend after yoga class. The wind was bracing despite being sheltered...

Out of tune
Her e' s to th e untuned radio, to the out of tune singer, to the pitch imperfect, to the out of focus photo, to the wonky horizon line,...

Companion peace
Some observations in the studio occur obliquely to the work being made, such as here where the water of an ink-work spills over the edge...

Traffic reporter
I went down to the sea at first light this morning for the first of my reports from the seashore for Soundart Radio. The radio show host...

Seam seem
I title this piece of writing with the homophones: seam and seem - words that sound like other words, but the image too appears to have a...

I don't 'get it' - Good!
I often remember as a very young child, one of my Mother's paintings on the wall in my bedroom (not this one above!). About the size of...

How to catch the bird flying upside down in you
Here is an open page of my jotter. Drying on the sand. A tiny glistening of very dilute still-wet white ink is just visible. Recently,...

The opening world
I'm about to drive over with friends to Dartmouth for the exhibition Sea Life. The artists showing are: Jacqueline Duncan, Bill Bate,...

We are tidal
Once, I set up a makeshift studio in the spacious attic of my old family home. It was years ago and I was sheltering after a stormy time...

Implements of spiritual exchange
I am in awe of my fellow artists who enter their studio knowing what they're going to do. I watch from the corner, realising I'm the odd...

Precious sea
I go down to the sea most days. Lately I am gathering photos of the sea's surface. The precious sea. There is no horizon in these photos*...

A typical day
Susie! Hello! It’s Tom from Red Propeller, how’re you doing? As well as providing us with frankly stunning artwork to sell, I was hoping...

Enter at your own risk
The area is roped off with idiot tape but I slip through. 'Here we all are, a cast of coins, thrown here for diving.’ Though she thinks...

And we all adored it
"...And we all adored it." - I hurriedly wrote on a scrap of paper. This was the part of his story that caught me most. It was about a...

Look out
Overlooking the river she sat alone in her lookout on stilts. This was too high up for any flood to reach her and there was a touch of...

Close up of far away
If you draw yourself, a distant cloud, close up in your lens, you can become a little grainy in photos, a little uncertain, a little...

In vigil ating
Thank you for asking. The show seems to be going okay - there are so many visitors. But despite the constant stream of people, I get a...

The slate stone choir of exquisite faults
It is hot in the tightly packed upstairs room even though the windows are open as far as they can go -- which is not very far -- having...
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